First Look at the Piano Keyboard
As you first look at the piano keyboard it looks like there are lots and lots of notes to learn. Not so! You only need to learn 12 notes. The shaded area on the keyboard in the image shows the 12 notes you will need to learn. Notes on a piano are grouped in sets of 12 notes.
Each group has 7 white keys and 5 black keys. Look at the keyboard above and count the 7 white keys and 5 black keys in the shaded area. This is one group. This group is repeated over and over, up the keyboard and down the keyboard. Each group starts with a “C” note. See the note labeled “C” above? On any keyboard, “C” is always the first white key that is to the left of two black keys.
Each group has 7 white keys and 5 black keys. Look at the keyboard above and count the 7 white keys and 5 black keys in the shaded area. This is one group. This group is repeated over and over, up the keyboard and down the keyboard. Each group starts with a “C” note. See the note labeled “C” above? On any keyboard, “C” is always the first white key that is to the left of two black keys.

Lesson 1 - Section 2
More "C" Notes
Here are more "C" notes. Perceive how they are altogether situated alongside two dark notes? Great job. . . you have realized where "C" is on the piano. This is a major advance since you will dependably need to find "C" before you start to play a melody on the piano.
To make this considerably less demanding, you just need to find one "C." This uncommon "C" is called center C. It's called center C since, when you take a seat at the piano to play, the "C" is straight before you and amidst the console. Take a gander at the photo of the console once more. You will see a few lines, images, and numbers. This is known as a Staff. Center C is additionally amidst the Staff.
The Staff is Where the Language of Music is Written
The Staff is the place the dialect of music is composed. Indeed, music is a dialect simply like some other (English, French, Spanish). It has standards and uncommon characters et cetera. This dialect discloses to you what to play and where to play it on your instrument. There is just 1 note presently appeared on the staff over (the hover with a line through it). This note is center C. We should take in some more notes on the staff and how they identify with the piano console.

Lesson 1 - Section 3
How "C" Notes Look on the Staff
Here are some other "C" notes and what they look like when they are composed on the staff. See center C in the shaded region? Go to one side and take a gander at the following "C" above center C. Presently go to one side and take a gander at the following "C" beneath center C.
Check the keys on the console (counting the dark keys) and you will find that there are 12 keys (notes) between every "C" on the console. On the Staff, over the console, check the lines and spaces between two "C" notes and you will find that there are an aggregate of 8 lines and spaces between two "C" notes.
Finding out About Octaves
This dispersing of 12 half advances (incorporates white and dark notes) on the console or 8 (incorporates lines and spaces) on the staff, is called an Octave. In the picture, you are taking a gander at Octaves on the staff and on the console, (from one "C" note to the following "C" note). You will in the long run take in every one of the notes in 1 octave. The octave we will focus on will incorporate center C.
For the present, simply ahead and discover all the "C" notes you can on your console.
NOTE: Keyboards come in various widths so don't stress on the off chance that you wind up with pretty much "C" notes than the console appeared in the picture. Search for two dark keys and after that the primary white key to one side of these dark keys. This white key will dependably be a "C" note.
Since you've aced "C" takes note of, it's a great opportunity to take in the other 11 notes in 1 octave.

Lesson 1 - Section 4
Notes Written on Lines
How about we begin with the lines on the staff above. The notes that are composed on the lines in the staff are "C," "E," "G" and "B". You can make up a fun sentence to help recollect the names of the notes that are composed on the lines in the staff. Case: Cows Eat Glue Buckets. Make up one for yourself and record it some place. Keep it near your console for reference.

Lesson 1 - Section 5
Notes Written on Spaces
Presently we should take a gander at the spaces on the staff. I'll leave the "C" note in only for reference as it were. It isn't on a space. The notes that are composed on the spaces in the staff are "D," "F" and "A". You can make up a fun sentence to help recall the names of the notes that are composed on the spaces in the staff. Illustration: Dogs Find Apples. Make up one for yourself and record it some place. Keep it near your console for reference.

Lesson 1 - Section 6
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